Monday, August 26, 2019

Nurturing Denied

The first thing I saw was the ragey Zamfir picture.

Then, they said the indie rock god (So many in the last couple of days) had alienated his label (almost always a good thing), and made an electronic record with a soupçon of ... autotune.

"That sounds like crap," I thought.

Then, there came more dadnerd pix, and I thought, "How come omnipotent indeity doesn't know that our present administration kicked irony (Pow! Right in the babymaker) hard enough to kill it, like three years ago?

When I sat down to see the video, it all made sense.

The gallery of ... looks, bad trends, nerd stylings, is a cry for help to somebody -- anybody. It's a message in a bottle from a guy who hasn't been nurtured since Clinton -- Bill, that is -- was president. It's the kind of desperate you get when love bombing feels like salvation instead of certain death.

Anyways, if you care -- and you should -- this is Stephen Malkmus with "Come Get Me".

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