Wednesday, September 28, 2016

In Memory Of Dave Swarbrick (Revised)

 EDITOR'S NOTE: I originally posted this entry on June 3, 2016. When, today, I decided I wanted to tweet it, I discovered that the original video (that's a still from it, at left) had been removed. 

To say I was disappointed is putting it mildly. I hope to God that whatever copyright money the holder has accrued by deleting the video is doing somebody some genuine good.

That said, while I quite like the recorded live version below, I found the performance in the now-deleted video to be extra-special, and a much crisper performance, at that.  

In any case, here's my original post, with audio from the live CD, In the Club, by Dave Swarbrick and Simon Nicol:

Posting this in memory of the astonishing Dave Swarbrick, who died today at age 75, after a long battle with emphysema.

You know, I get it: these are folk musicians. But, as part of Fairport Convention, they play(ed) British folk music in a rock context. Aside from very few bands, I associate rock with preening, stage-hogging self-centeredness. I expected Nicol to cut loose right over one of Swarbrick's runs, and Swarbrick to get louder and showier in response -- even though I've seen Nicol live with Fairport. I'll admit I wasn't listening as critically in those days as I do now, but still ....

Imagine my surprise at finding this clip, in which two folk rockers honor the music above everything else. This is first-class musicianship, and absolute virtuosity on all counts. I can hardly fathom a rock musician like Simon Nicol actually accompanying someone else, much less doing it with respect, enjoyment, and verve.

And Swarbrick. What crisp articulation and clear tone, what joyful playing. What a sad day for anyone who values this kind of music-making.

Here are Dave Swarbrick (RIP) and Simon Nicol with a medley of "Hen's March" and "Four Poster Bed".

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