Sunday, May 8, 2016

How To Keep Bluegrass Exciting

Among bluegrass musicians, the typical argument for taking their music in a less traditional direction is that bluegrass will stagnate if they don’t change it up.

I think it’s more accurate to say that their bluegrass has stagnated — not the genre itself. Why make all of bluegrass music liable for one’s artistic process?

That said, I think it’s vital for those bands to explore new musical avenues. If you’re not having as much fun with bluegrass as this band is, it’s time to do other things — if only temporarily.

That’s exactly what this band has done in recent years, and their departure is a mark of great artistic integrity on the part of their boss man. When they come back to full-time bluegrass, those 60-year-old tunes will sound just as fresh and exciting as they do in this 2006 concert by Ricky Skaggs and Kentucky Thunder.

Prepare to have your socks knocked off.

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