Friday, November 1, 2019

So Many Questions

Friends have been trying to get me to listen to this song for days. I refused because I only knew one version, and I was never going to listen to that again.

Well, I finally went to YouTube, searched the site, and found I did not know the only extant version.

Fine, but I have questions.

Why do oldies stations refuse to play quality tracks from less popular artists, i.e. the deep cuts of the 50s through the 70s?

Why did music media bow slavishly before snotty, racist nouveau artistes when they should have been touting the shockingly superior originals?

I don't mean I'm shocked this is better; I mean I'm shocked that it's never been treated like an enduring classic, given how much better it is than the familiar, New Wave version.

I don't suppose I'll ever get answers, but I do have this: Sam and Dave with "I Can't Stand Up (For Falling Down".

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