Thursday, November 30, 2017

30-Day Music Challenge: Day 14

EDITOR'S NOTE: In the summer of 2017, I answered the 30-Day Music Challenge on this blog. I'll be reupping the best of those posts from time to time.

14. A song that you would love played at your wedding.

This is a song about what you lose when someone you love dies.

This is a song about what you never had, the sickening realization you come to, when someone you love lies.

A wedding would seem a lot less gloat-y, a lot less self-congratulatory if the band played this.

See, if you're at all ready to get married, the thought of being bridezilla or anybody-zilla fills you with disgust. If you're really ready to get married, you know there's at least one guest who doesn't have what this song talks about. And you want them to have it, because you know how utterly bereft you have been without it.

No one should have to -- or choose to -- be that lonely, and that, too, is what this song is about.

This is Shawn Colvin and Loudon Wainwright with "A Heart Needs A Home".

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