Monday, July 10, 2017

30-Day Music Challenge: Day 19

19. A song that makes you think about life.

29 years ago today, I married the best friend I ever had.

32 years ago, I first heard this song, at a time in my life when I felt as though I was drowning. Turns out, it was the life raft that was pulling me under.

24 years after I first heard this song, I met the One who had said these words to the songwriter. I was stunned to discover that it was Jesus, and that He did not hate me. I still have trouble believing that at times.

29 years after I first heard this song, I discovered that it's people who are supposed to do these things for each other; we're not supposed to wait for some Santa Claus in the sky to alleviate the suffering in this world. I still follow Jesus. When it comes to other people, I am a stone-cold atheist (Antihumanist? Apeopleist?)

39 years after I first heard this song, I discovered that helpers are fewer and farther between as time goes on. When you meet one, hold onto them for dear life. Forget the stuff that hurts, the stuff everybody else thinks is important. If someone helps you and keeps helping you, don't let go.

Two years after I first heard this song, I discovered that helping others costs you less and gives you more than you think it will. The man who wrote this song also wrote "It's no secret that a friend/Is someone who lets you help". He was right.

26 years after I first heard this song, I discovered that, if help is not mutually given and received, the relationship is toxic, and it will kill you if you don't get out.

Here's U2 with a song that makes me think about life. This is "Drowning Man".

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