Tuesday, July 4, 2017

30-Day Music Challenge: Day 13

Mariska Veres in 2006

13. One of your favorite 70s songs.

Now we're talking! The 70s were my time. There are hundreds to choose from, but the one I always think of was the first record I wasn't allowed to buy.

"Well, what does it mean?" my mother asked and, in one respect, it was a legitimate question. The band themselves didn't know what the song meant. They were Dutch, and were taught -- badly -- to sing it phonetically. "A Godness on a mountain top/Burnin' like a silver flame", Mariska Veres sang.

The word, of course, should have been "goddess".

"And Venus was her name".

Like most of us, Mariska Veres got older and chubbier. She died in 2006 of gall bladder cancer, just three weeks after she was diagnosed.

She was still a goddess, even then. And these are still some of the hottest riffs in all of rock 'n roll.

This is Shocking Blue with "Venus".

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