Saturday, June 24, 2017

30-Day Music Challenge: Day 3

3. A song that reminds you of summer.

I have posted this video before. My reflection on it then was far more serious than this one will be.

I discovered The Beach Boys about 10 years after they released this record. It was summer, of course; how could it not have been?

I had heard "Surfin' Safari" on an oldies station that never seemed to play The Beach Boys' best work. I was not impressed.

Imagine, then, hearing "California Girls", "Good Vibrations", "The Spirit of America", and this one, for the first time. The sublime harmonies, the symphonic arrangements! There was so much to hear that it seemed like I'd never get to the bottom of their songs.

I'd been raised on classical music, but when I heard -- really heard -- The Beach Boys for the first time in the summer of 1975, I was a goner.

These are The Beach Boys with "Let Him Run Wild".

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