Tuesday, May 16, 2017


I have been to Lake Elsinore only once. I was about nine years old, and the occasion was a picnic with my parents' oldest friends, and some friends of theirs. If I had known what was lurking there, I would have begged off with some sudden, mysterious ailment.

Luckily, I never encountered Elsinore's fabled tarantulas -- or their equally-storied natural predators, tarantula hawks -- except in gossip shared by horrified acquaintances, just a few years ago.

When I put it all together, I knew that, if Shakespeare's Hamlet had found himself parked at the Elsinore in Riverside County, he'd have known exactly what to do.

And by the way, you sulky brat, 
Check out the 3-inch-long, parasitic wasp winging your way

Here's the cast of the brilliant, Canadian TV series, Slings and Arrows, with another suggestion: "Cheer Up, Hamlet".

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