Thursday, January 19, 2017

Soundtrack For the Next Four Years

On Twitter the other day, I remarked that I'd probably spend the next four years with this soundtrack on repeat. Indeed, I might.

I don't remember what happened to this CD during the course of my nomadic existence. I only know that, all of a sudden, I missed it terribly, and was compelled to replace it immediately.

Yes, children, there are some CDs you simply must own, and this is one.

But, don't believe me; judge for yourself. Head over to YouTube, and hear Peter Gabriel's extraordinary soundtrack for The Last Temptation of Christ in full. Then, go buy it. You won't be sorry.

In the meantime, here's one of the most Gabriel-esque selections -- and one that wouldn't have been out of place in a Miami Vice episode.

This is "Zaar".

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