Saturday, November 5, 2016

A Little Moral Dilemma

Oh, the indignity of it! A fella acts all sweet and nice, and what does he get for his pains? A slap in the face.

How does someone get himself into such a quandary? Could it be that he wasn't so nice in the first place?

Could it be he knows exactly how he got here?

Yes, it could.

And now that his first, halfhearted efforts have been swatted away like pesky flies, the rotter finds himself in the midst of a moral dilemma: Should he keep trying to make amends, or take his chances with karma?

Oooh, it's all so delicious, and he is at the center of it -- just where he likes to be. 

Where he belongs, if you ask him.

Funny, that's how he got into this mess.

Here's Howlin' Wolf with "I Asked For Water".

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