Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Made For Each Other

Some records just aren't made for vinyl, I think.

This is the first record I ever heard on a CD player, and the experience still stuns me. That drum break is everything -- the song's high point.

It's funny, I remember that this was used in Miami Vice more than I remember the episode itself. This was the pilot episode, and, Google tells me, the 32nd anniversary of its debut is this Friday, September 16, 2016.

Perhaps the reason I associate this song so closely with Miami Vice is that it was also used in the fourth episode of that inaugural season. I wish I hadn't had to sell those DVDs.

In any case, Phil Collins and Miami Vice seemed made for each other back then.

No, this post isn't going anywhere, but I don't need it to -- not today.

Then again, maybe it is. Maybe the point is that some things are just made for each other, and we shouldn't try to pretend otherwise. It's good when things match up, go together, and stay together. People, too, but now I am digressing -- although that's a subject I'm inclined to stick with whenever I get the chance.

Anyway, this is Phil Collins, with a song that still sounds momentous and full of foreboding, "In the Air Tonight".

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