Saturday, August 20, 2016

One Of the Good Guys

In my quest to slowly but surely grok all things Manfred Mann pre-Earth Band, I found this on YouTube, and had to hear it immediately.

Even without the video, I found the lyrics scary and disturbing; the video just underscores the point. Then, I read the video description, and discovered that the song had been written and sung by Manfred Mann guitarist, Tom McGuinness.

If you've been following along, you've seen Tom McGuinness in a couple of the videos I've posted, and he is the most blissed-out, light-beaming ... rock star I have ever seen. I absolutely love Tom McGuinness because he is, in fact, the very antithesis of the typical  rock star.

What could have led a guy like that to come up with this?

To answer that, you have to answer whether we humans are alone on this planet.

 It matters not whether you believe in aliens, angels, ghosts, or spirits of some kind; any of these might account for what McGuinness writes and sings about here. The villains, er, authority figures of the piece either don't believe, or believe that whatever is sharing the space with us is pure evil.

Worse yet, they want to punish the guy who communicates with these others -- without even knowing the first thing about any of them.

I watch Tom McGuinness, and I have to wonder: What if the man he sings about was -- or is -- one of the good guys?

Here's Tom McGuinness, out in front of Manfred Mann, with "There Is A Man".

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