Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Just Another Misogynistic Wag

The other day, I heard a guy drop a corrosively-insulting acryonym in conversation, just as casual as you please.

The term he used was one I hadn't heard before -- WAGs, for "wives and girlfriends", he said.

As though any and all women in straight relationships can be lumped together. As though, once a man condescends to be in relationship with a woman, she has no uniqueness; she is no longer special and lovely.

In other words, this guy was saying, wives and girlfriends are all alike.

It shouldn't surprise anyone to hear that the guy in question has been married thrice, divorced twice, and on track for divorce number three.

Hazel and Alice have the perfect answer to all those who insist that women are all alike  -- and easy, at that -- when it's the critics themselves who are indulging in cheap, indiscriminate hook-ups (Lookin' at you, gay male misogynists; and also at trans women, who are some of the worst misogynists in the bunch).

Hazel and Alice with "Don't Put Her Down, You Helped Put Her There".

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