Sunday, July 10, 2016

The American Disease

Jay Gatsby had it. The Great Gatsby would never have been written without it.

You don't have to be American to fall victim to it; I've seen it strike citizens of other countries (especially evangelical Christians) and immigrants, too, but who knows? -- Maybe they came to America to escape the consequences of succumbing to the American disease in their home countries.

And there should be consequences, even in America. The problem is -- and has been, maybe for most of our history -- that there are no consequences. Instead, people who have the American disease get a wink and a nod and a good-natured slap on the back for confessing their symptoms, but doing absolutely nothing to change:

Is there any danger?
No, no, not really,
Just lean on me.
Takin' time to treat
Your friends and neighbors honestly.
I've just been fakin' it.

A psychologist would call it Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Simon and Garfunkel just said they were "Fakin' It".

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