Monday, July 4, 2016

Every Fourth of July

Every year I have to post this. Not because I'm sentimental, which depends on the object of the sentiment. Not because I love Jimmy Martin, which I do. But because ... people. Ugh!

Obviously, the lyrics refer to the nuclear arms race and the Cold War, but tell me how we're any less endangered when some crazy can walk into a nightclub in Orlando, Florida; or an MP's advice surgery in Birstall, UK, and start shooting. Death is death; no "mighty destructive weapons" necessary.

The worst of the worst feel emboldened to attack because some leader somewhere says their victims deserve it. If God is guiding your leader's hand when that same leader calls for death and destruction, you need to find a new God.

Is it ironic to mention Independence Day in this context, since, "One person's terrorist is another person's freedom fighter" blah, blah, blah? I know I wanted to vomit when UKIP leader Nigel Farage proposed, in ringing tones, making the date of the Brexit vote Britain's "Independence Day". I daresay the fallout from Brexit and the fallout from the struggle for American independence look very different indeed. You can tell someone's a terrorist when people are, well, terrorized. It seems almost quaint to post a song that calls for reason and expresses a certain vulnerability.

Nevertheless, here are Jimmy Martin and The Sunny Mountain Boys with "God Guide Our Leader's Hand".

Happy Fourth of July, folks; we could surely use some happiness right about now.

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