Wednesday, May 25, 2016


I know, I know: Pet Sounds.

Sure, okay, but give me this tremulous little gem any day of the week. The mix of high-strung vulnerability and surfer-boy cool is almost too much.

Maybe it's the dated lyrics that keep this from being a classic: "I'm gonna take you over"? What, just like the guy who's mistreating her now? Ugh!

I'm pretty sure -- and I say this without any trace of smugness -- they learned their lesson. That's particularly true for Brian, and it almost cost him his life.

This is what it's like to be young. This is what it's like not to have any boundaries between yourself and another, which is not always the same thing as being young. We should mark that, and stop waving it off as the price of growing up.

These are The Beach Boys, with "Let Him Run Wild".

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