Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Political Humor Done Right ... Eventually

This is a song originally written for a Disney cartoon that won an Academy Award in 1943, at the height of World War II.

I don’t love the cartoon. In fact, I didn’t even get through it, because of the explicit racism. Hirohito was a scumbag because he wanted to take over Pacific half of the world, not because he wore thick glasses and didn’t have white skin.

Nor, as another video suggests, was Hitler evil because he was secretly gay … or something (although the gay implications probably have something to do with the widespread homosexuality of Ernst Rohm's SA).

If rounding up people, putting them in concentration camps, and discriminating against entire populations because of their race, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation/gender identity equals "gay" to you, then it’s your values which need the closest examination.

That said, today's Nazi movement has its roots in the Reddit aggregation of males who washed out of pick-up artist schools, and whose self-described failures with women leave many of them thinking that being gay is their only option -- as unscientific a view as one could hope to expect from a movement that still embraces phrenology as a decisive indicator of genetic superiority.

I digress, but only a little.

After wading through all the gratuitous video imagery that this song has inspired through the years, I found this clip. It’s repetitive, but legitimately funny, and a great example of one way we should be fighting terrorists of all kinds in this country. If I knew how, I'd send this video to Russian troll bots from here until Judgment Day.

Here then, is Spike Jones' cover which became far more famous than the original. Jones was the Weird Al Yankovic of his day, but with musical training. He and his band, The City Slickers, could play anything and did -- including “Der Fuhrer’s Face”.

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