Monday, May 9, 2016

This is some band! They got together for RockyGrass one year, and I wish they’d repeat the experiment, because it turned out to be something special.

That’s Béla Fleck on banjo, of course. From the Del McCoury Band, it’s Jason Carter on fiddle, Alan Bartram on bass, and Ronnie McCoury on mandolin. So far, so RockyGrass.

So, who’s the lead vocalist on guitar?

That’s Danny Paisley, whose father, Bob, led The Southern Grass for many years. I haven’t always been a fan of Danny Paisley; he has tended to place a raw vocal style above good musicianship and basic technique.

There’s no denying, however, that Paisley is trad with a capital T. He must have been working on his breath control and intonation while I wasn’t looking, because his performance here is immensely gratifying.

The song is a good ole good ‘un called “My Home’s Across the Blue Ridge Mountains”.

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